Patient safety, comfort and satisfaction are on the forefront of the minds of healthcare professionals. Patient warming is one of the most effective ways to improve comfort, prevent negative surgical outcomes and improve the patients’ stay.
Safety & Efficiency
Many surgical patients struggle to maintain their normal body temperature (normothermia). In cases of inadvertent perioperative hypothermia, patients are at increased risk of surgical wound infections, rates of cardiac events, length of hospital stay, shivering and unease. Blanket and fluid warming methods are some of the most effective ways to maintain patient normothermia. Patients who maintain their body temperature are more likely to be discharged on time, resulting in lower costs and positive health outcomes.
Patient Comfort & Satisfaction
Nerves are high in medical settings for many reasons. Impending procedures are often when they are the highest. Stress and anxiety cause tense muscles and can restrict blood flow. This decrease in circulation ultimately makes them colder and further increases anxiety. Blanket and fluid warming help put an end to the stress and cold cycle. Patients’ blood vessels are actively warmed and expand which leads to a measurable reduction in tension and anxiety.
The Warming People
The Enthermics team has designed warming products with both the healthcare professional and patient in mind. Our energy efficient and small footprint designs allow for placement of our units wherever and whenever you need them. Patient care has never been so easy nor accessible.